a. 找出Comp. Sci. 系开设的具有3个学分的课程。
select title
from course
where dept_name='Comp. Sci.' and credits=3;
b. 该查询涉及到多个表,并且在合并结果时有两种不同的ID属性,在合并时注意顺序。
select distinct student.name
from instructor join teaches using (ID)
join (student join takes using (ID)) using (course_id,sec_id,semester,year)
where instructor.name='Einstein';
c. 找出教师的最高工资。
select max(salary) from instructor;
d. 找出工资最高的所有教师。
select name
from instructor
where salary=(select max(salary) from instructor);
e. 找出09年秋季开设的每个课程段的选课人数。
select course_id,sec_id,count(ID)
from `section` join takes using (course_id,sec_id,semester,year)
where year=2009 and semester='Fall'
group by course_id,sec_id;
f. 从09年秋季找出最多的选课人数。
select max(enrollment)
from (select count(ID) as enrollment
from takes join `section` using (course_id,sec_id,semester,year)
where `year`=2009 and semester='Fall'
group by course_id,sec_id) as tmp;
g. 从09年秋季找出选课人数最多的课程。
with tmp as
(select course_id,sec_id,count(ID) as enrollment
from takes
where semester='Fall' and `year`=2009
group by course_id,sec_id)
select course_id,sec_id
from tmp
where enrollment=(select max(enrollment) from tmp);
update instructor
set salary=salary*1.0
where dept_name='Comp. Sci.';